10 Tage Freischwimmen 2024

Marktplatz der verstaubten Ideen

Austausch zu künstlerischen Konzepten

In the independent performing arts, there is usually an idea and then an elaborate concept long before the actual theatre work. The concepts are used to submit applications to funding organisations in order to finance a production. Many of these applications never make it to realisation. They are not approved, fall through the cracks of the funding landscape or end up in the artists' drawers for other reasons. Unpaid work that often sits there for years and is then forgotten.

Dusty concepts, old ideas and long-forgotten visions can be unpacked and shared at tables and on towels in small groups in our festival centre. And perhaps this will give rise to something new again.


Marktplatz der verstaubten Ideen // Austausch zu künstlerischen Konzepten

Datum: Sonntag 28.04.2024Uhrzeit: 14:00 UhrOrt: RAMPE, Foyer